Monday, May 16, 2011

desktop themes vista

desktop themes vista. AZ Desert Vista Desktop Theme
  • AZ Desert Vista Desktop Theme

  • Nitrocide
    Apr 15, 07:37 PM
    The design is nice and I honestly wouldn't doubt that Apple might make the new iphone similar to this since the macs and the ipad are taking that turn, however like others have said, this is a fake because the aluminum would block the 3G receiver. Unless Apple magically found a way to get around that issue! which would be AMAZING!

    Here is an idea, because the apple logo is black plastic, why not put the 3G receiver behind the Apple logo? ;)

    Because they have enough issue with reception when the whole back is plastic. On my existing phone if you cover the relatively small aerial part with your hand reception gets a kicking drastically, im guessing the apple logo is generally covered when your holding the phone for a call.

    desktop themes vista. Vista Themes, Screensavers
  • Vista Themes, Screensavers

  • donbluto
    Aug 2, 05:09 AM
    The fewer the people in a nation, the easier it is to say they are the best or the worst in certain things.

    So a ratio isn't necessarily a ratio, then? It depends on the population size?

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  • install desktop themes 08

  • JSchwage
    Jan 10, 05:02 PM
    All I know is that if I were running Macworld, Gizmodo would be on my banned list.

    desktop themes vista. Vista OS X Desktop - Windows
  • Vista OS X Desktop - Windows

  • brianus
    Oct 17, 01:45 PM
    I was always under the impression that if you wanted to save something for that long your best bet would be to use some kind of tape archival system.

    Tape!?! :confused: who on earth uses tape anymore? This is.. 2006. And I was always under the impression that a medium with moving parts would be more prone to failure than one without. Certainly my VHS and cassette library have had their share of tapes being chewed up by the machine or worn out from use.

    I've always thought external hard drives would work fine, especially now that you can make SATA connections externally. You work from the external drive, when you're done you take it with you, no need to wait to burn. As far as backing up goes, that's just going to take a long time no matter which way you do it (unless it's like that Time Machine stuff, which is always going on, and uses a hard drive), and for me, I'd rather back up a whole drive at a time, which would require more space than a disc would provide.

    External drives are *not* long term archiving solutions. They are useful for storing vast amounts of data that presumably you want to actually access and use (and possibly modify) on a regular basis; also, they are good for the kind of incremental backups you refer to, Time Machine, Retrospect, other 3rd party backup tools can be used for this. But if you have important files you know aren't going to change, while having them on HDD is useful for instant access, that's not where they should be permanently archived -- they should be burned to a permanent medium, preferably more than one copy, and stored in a safe place (or places). If your drive fails and you still need the data to be on that drive, you can then restore from the permanent medium.

    desktop themes vista. Vista Desktop Themes Vista
  • Vista Desktop Themes Vista

  • jarednt1
    Sep 9, 04:45 PM
    This is unbelievable. A hurricane comes through, wipes out a city built in a bowl with thousands of people that were poor and black left stranded and that equates into Bush hating black people. We were unprepared at all levels to deal with this. Shame on us. If Tim Mcgraw had used his speaking moment to shout "those people should also help themselves" he would be crucified. I'm not ashasmed that our country was unprepared to deal with this, I'm ashamed that our country has shown the world that it is easier to call names and and blame our president. Never mind the millions of Americans that have stepped up to offer help and support. It must be easier to stand up on television and use your status to make bold statements that simply are not true. Also, if that mayor was white and sent thousands of people to the superdome with no supplies and no plan....there would be no need to blame the president....blame would go no further than right there....He should be taking the heat too.

    But wait. What I'm saying is not politically correct.....BS

    Thank You Sir, you are correct.

    desktop themes vista. LifeRock Christmas XP themes
  • LifeRock Christmas XP themes

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    May 3, 06:13 AM
    ??? Actually, those first versions of Windows were the only ones with names based on the version number.

    Although, I can't make out what either of you are saying.

    Egad. No sense of humor around here at all. I'm not 'saying' anything, just making a jab at the wording of a previous poster's wording (i.e. Windows7 took 7 years to get right, which is silly sounding when OSX has been at that 'version' for 10+ years. Now do some of you get it? Ragging on Windows7 (based on 'vista' which is only 5 years old by release date, although obviously started earlier internally (i.e. the 7 year old date makes no sense to begin with) and it's really based on NT which is 18 years old) when OSX is older (released for 10+ years and based on NeXT Step (NOT OS9) which is MUCH older (1985) than Windows period and that's based on Unix which is literally ancient in the tech world (1969). So no matter how you look at it, a comment that makes fun of Windows7' age versus OSX is ironic/funny/silly. That's the joke I saw. How silly of me to think people would 'get it'. :rolleyes:

    desktop themes vista. Desktop Theme Information
  • Desktop Theme Information

  • ianray
    Dec 13, 02:08 PM
    The report also claims that the Verizon iPhone is already shipping to Verizon warehouses, and the carrier will maintain control over all stock until launch in order to control information leaks.

    The idea of Verizon (or any operator) controlling information leaks seems a little implausible to me -- BoyGeniusReport often publishes leaked screenshots from operators, for example.

    That said, there seems to be growing consensus that the Verizon iPhone is coming -- and coming soon!

    desktop themes vista. ثيمات كمبيوتر Windows 7 Theme
  • ثيمات كمبيوتر Windows 7 Theme

  • torbjoern
    Mar 18, 04:51 AM
    Nail. Hit. On. The. Head.

    In personal experience, most of the Apple "haters" I've known have fallen into the category if they could afford an Apple product, then they wouldn't hate.

    Hating something is easier than openly admitting "I want that but cannot afford it", so by creating a hate figure out of the company/products, it makes it easier for the person to "accept" that they will never own the product they secretly lust after.
    Cognitive dissonance is easier to "harmonise by hate" (see the oxymoron here?) than to accept with an honest mind, just like some people deal with buyer's remorse by telling themselves how much they love their new product. I was a Mac-hater long before I even knew that the price was higher for Macs than for PCs, it goes back to horrific experience with a G3 iMac, a hockey puck mouse and OS 9...

    desktop themes vista. Create Windows Vista Desktop
  • Create Windows Vista Desktop

  • Gasu E.
    Oct 25, 03:34 PM
    Who are you to judge how I'd raise my kids? I earned my money, and I'll spend it however I damn well please.

    Someone who thinks there is more than a little projection of moral superiority in this comment about someone's choice in bathroom/bedroom ratio. If that's how you choose to raise your kids, fine; but the moralizing is nonsense.

    desktop themes vista. your desktop themes, vista
  • your desktop themes, vista

  • tristangage
    Apr 27, 12:17 AM
    Web-surfing baboons might not agree with your assessment, but I'm pretty sure humans would. Those boxes are not supposed to be there.

    The boxes were there for me under Firefox and I was under the impression they were supposed to be. However I was pleasantly surprised to find them no longer there last night, so this must be fixed :)

    desktop themes vista. Glass Vista Desktop Theme
  • Glass Vista Desktop Theme

  • abhimat.gautam
    Apr 29, 04:05 PM
    With that headline, I was really hoping to see iCal reverted back to how it looked�:(

    desktop themes vista. simply change your desktop
  • simply change your desktop

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 25, 11:52 AM
    3.7" is the most appropriate phone size imo. I use htc trophy 7 which is 3.8" and it's just a bit bigger. 3.5" is a bit small though.

    Anything greater than 3.8" is a giant screen. Can't imagine using one of those.

    desktop themes vista. Themes List :
  • Themes List :

  • iphone3gs16gb
    Apr 26, 09:09 AM
    If you have nothing to add to the discussion, don't post. Your act is wearing thin.

    I did have something to add, my opinion, which I am more than entitled to state just as much as you do.

    This guy had arms and legs. He could've at least tried to defend himself, but he chose not too, which I dont understand why...

    If I were attacked, my first instinct would be to fight back or run.

    desktop themes vista. AlienGUIse™ Theme Manager is
  • AlienGUIse™ Theme Manager is

  • pudrums
    Apr 13, 10:27 AM
    I started my first full-time job recently so I'm not covered by my parents' insurances anymore which is why I got some own ones:

    desktop themes vista. But, themes on Vista is just
  • But, themes on Vista is just

  • iW00t
    Jan 12, 01:09 AM
    That guy was an orphan who made himself into a billionaire with no help from anyone. Until you can do the same he has every reason to be smug.

    Even Bill Gates, for what it is worth, grew up in a nice sheltered family with rich parents.

    desktop themes vista. GlassGlow RC1 desktop theme is
  • GlassGlow RC1 desktop theme is

  • roadbloc
    Apr 22, 06:07 PM
    Here's the reality of this non-issue...

    You'd be up in arms if Google were doing it. Or anyone else to that matter.

    I like how you have, yet again, managed to turn a non-Apple related discussion, to a discussion about Apple. Grats.

    desktop themes vista. Empire Vista Desktop Theme
  • Empire Vista Desktop Theme

  • andrewag
    Jan 11, 04:37 PM
    Mid range Mac
    I would hope for a mid range "Cube like" computer only because I'm looking to upgrade soon. It would need to be priced below the US$2299 that the quad core Mac Pro configuration is (to avoid a repeat of the G4 Cube). It should have comparable specs to the 24" iMacs (core 2 duo 2.4GHz and core 2 extreme 2.8GHz) and be priced a couple hundred dollars below its iMac equivalents. I wouldn't see the product as a Mac mini replacement which is largely a sealed box but indeed a true headless iMac sans the display and with PCIe graphics.

    iTunes Rentals
    I'm not fussed about the rentals as I'm in Australia and to tell the truth my pay tv provider offers near on demand video services and I hardly ever use them.

    desktop themes vista. desktop theme of your
  • desktop theme of your

  • emoeric
    Dec 13, 03:27 PM
    Right. One of the problems people have when they try to predict what Apple might do is they assume the past = the future. "Oh, Apple only does yearly updates, so this rumor is impossible." Well, Apple does what it does . . . until it doesn't. They don't do books, but now they do. They don't do movies, but now they do, etc.

    Apple is not a MacRumors poster stubbornly sticking to the only thing they know. Apple changes as market conditions change. If they think they can increase profitability and market share by making semi-yearly phone updates, they are going to switch to semi-yearly phone updates. Simple as that.

    So a Q1 2011 Verizon phone is quite possible.

    The thing I believe we can agree on as well is the fact that LTE is not coming to iphone until atleast 2012. It's way too early of a technology for them to adopt it. I'll agree with your points but counter your general hypothesis with one side note: no LTE until 2012.

    desktop themes vista. Style of Vista themes 01: Bule
  • Style of Vista themes 01: Bule

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 12, 08:45 AM
    It's certainly possible that the next version of iLife that will ship with Lion-based Macs will be ad supported and provide a link to MAS to get rid of the ads, but we aren't there yet. ;)


    Not possible.

    But yes, we aren't there yet. :P

    Mar 28, 02:00 PM
    I am showing you online 13 hours ago....

    Check ebay and look for local listings. If you want to send me your zip I can keep an eye out as well.

    Sep 12, 08:09 AM
    Doubt it. WWDC people can pay to get a seat - it's how it works. This event is a media only invite thing. I suspect that the guys at MacRumors aren't high on Apple's invite list. :-)

    Wow, it's been over a year since I logged in here. o.O

    That's where we get the updates from. Media folks send out constant text coverage.

    We'll be getting the same coverage as the WWDC, don't worry.

    Aug 1, 11:55 AM
    Denmark, Norway and Sweden are just about the happiest countries in the world. Taking the iTMS away from them ought to knock them down a few pegs!

    Oct 6, 03:09 PM
    For me service is good even tho it got alittle spotty when att allowed picture & video text. An in my area its getting better. If you drop your service that mean less congestion on the att network. :D An as far as the iphone on verizon I really dont think there network would work the same with the iphone. It will be overload.

    May 4, 10:26 AM
    That's the joke.

    On a more serious note, not really. I was trying to think of something other than web browsing. I have a HTPC that I cobbled together that takes care of that.

    It's basically the ultimate "access" machine. Just yesterday I used my phone as a dictionary, store, terminal to enterprise software, link to external contact database. (also made some phone calls) iPad would be similar. Lookup, lookup, lookup. Web browsing is covered under that, too.

    One thing the iPad brings that any phone cannot is a level of professionalism. In the companies I deal with, using your phone during a meeting looks questionable, like you're fooling around. Using a tablet or laptop to do the exact same lookup of whatever would be ok. It's a little silly, but that's the vibe I get currently.

    This is not to say everyone has use for it. I'm happy with the phone, I'm not in that many meetings.

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