Tuesday, May 17, 2011

earth day

earth day. Happy Earth Day!
  • Happy Earth Day!

  • dvkid
    Apr 29, 03:54 PM
    Wow, if they don't get those changes implemented immediately Lion is going to be the Mac's Vista!!1! :p

    What are you talking about? The screenshots shown here are from the latest developer release of the software, meaning that anything you see is already implemented in code and being used by registered Mac OS developers the world over.

    earth day. Upcoming Earth Day Festivals
  • Upcoming Earth Day Festivals

  • JoeG4
    Mar 18, 07:49 PM
    Hrm where do I go with this one.

    The iPhone is a nice phone! It turned out that if I had the $285 necessary to buy an iPhone ($200 + $50 tax + 35 activation), I could get it on a monthly plan similar to what I just got my free G2 for.

    I don't work, I'm a student.. and while that means I could probably live without a smartphone it was a $15/mo difference. I'm using a G5 I bought for $50, and my internet service costs me $15 a month (it's DSL too!).. heck even my tv service is rather cheap.

    If I could've gotten an iPhone at the time, I would've. Right now? If Steve Jobs offered me a free iPhone in exchange for my G2? Hahah sure :D

    I do have my beefs, I think iOS is kinda boring and iTunes is clunky as all get out, but i love the docks and the hardware is really nice.

    That said, I really never thought I'd like having a hardware keyboard so much until I had one o_O Oh well. Everyone I know has an iPhone, bar 2 or 3 people. Most of them also have MacBook Pros :P

    Yea so at the end of the day it sucks but I'll live with it. When I become an engineer I'll be able to afford all the shiny Apple stuff I want :D AND I don't feel like I'm having to "live with it".. shoot I've got like the 3rd nicest smartphone on the market and it didn't cost me a dime. Woot! (Well, it did cost $15 more a month!.. actually the iPhone would've also cost about $15-20 more a month, and that $285)

    It's been an awesome phone though, no lag anywhere, it plays angry birds great, works great with music and internet, and I get 2 days of battery life solid. :)

    earth day. On Earth Day, the entire
  • On Earth Day, the entire

  • Eidorian
    May 3, 11:13 PM
    If I could only find a personal use beyond web browsing.

    earth day. It is Earth Day.
  • It is Earth Day.

  • CaoCao
    Apr 17, 02:25 PM
    I doubt Lee missed your point; maybe your point is just undefendable. For example, explain how you can prove that adding a bit of content about modern history will somehow force something else out of the curriculum. That there are a finite amount of class hours isn't good enough.

    As we march through history, we have to condense more and more of it into a class. It wasn't that long ago that we added the space program to our description of modern history. Then JFK. MLK. Civil rights. Space shuttles. John Hinckley Jr. Fall of communism. Berlin Wall. Iraq. 9/11. Tsunamis. Egypt. What did these things take the place of or force out of the curriculum?

    Incidentally, when I came through school many years ago, it was mentioned that Einstein was a Jew. It's not irrelevant - it's part of his story and part of who he was. In my classes, it wasn't swept under the rug, but neither was it mentioned "first" nor did it make me want to convert to Judaism. Adding a facet to our understanding of a person in history is not promotion.

    You really don't get that it's not promotion. There is a big swath of gray area between promotion and concealment. The GLBT struggle for equality is part of our culture whether you are involved in it or not. It should be entered into the records.
    Adding those decreased time for other things, ideally World History and American History would be 1.5 years. JFK gets summarized as the first Catholic to get elected to president, led the disastrous Bay of Pigs and then got shot, ignoring the Peace Corps and the Space Program. John Hinckley Jr. isn't in the textbooks at all, IIRC he tried to kill Reagan and there was something about Jodi Foster

    No one is saying it is, except for you. Nothing is being placed above anything else. There is no order of importance.

    I'd prefer he be remembered for both, as they were both part of him. It's important for gay kids, like other kids, to know there are people just like them who have done great things. They're called role models. Why that bothers you is beyond me.

    Yes indeed. But why we differ is puzzling to me.
    There is a finite amount of time, the more ways you slice it the smaller the pieces get

    So a gay should see Turing and strive to be as good a mathematician as Turing? Why shouldn't they strive to be the best mathematician there is?
    Everybody stop doing stuff.

    History's all full now.
    Or we can make more time for history
    I don't think you understand the thrust of this law. It's not about creating a separate class on gay rights, it's about incorporating gay people into existing history lessons. You mention Oppenheimer. Unless, I'm mistaken, the fact that he was a jew is mentioned in most history books. The same with Einstein. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was a pretty big deal, as were the US internment camps for Japanese-Americans during WWII. The Act and the camps are pretty self-explanatory. They were directed at a specific ethnic group of people. Gay accomplishments and persecution has mostly been swept under the rug.

    Harvey Milk wasn't shot because he was gay, he was shot because he defeated a very disturbed man in an election. But, the fact that he was gay is pretty important.

    The story of America is a story of minorities.

    So the Pink Triangles of the Holocaust are irrelevant?

    Wow, I don't know what to say. People of distinction aren't simply born that way, one's upbringing and the time in which they came of age play an enormous role. Any number of American industrialists were driven by adverse events during their formative years. Those events are almost always touched on. Being gay for most of human history has been pretty difficult. To not touch on that is really stupid and shows a bias that when it comes to history, should not be shown.
    In American studies we didn't even mention the Manhattan Project, we didn't cover discrimination against the Chinese, we spent five minutes on the morality of Japanese Internment camps, but we didn't go why they interned them.

    Harvey Milk wasn't shot because he beat Dan White in an election, Dan White resigned the position of supervisor because he felt the salary wasn't enough, but within a couple days he wanted his job back, he blamed Milk for not letting him have his job back and White jumped off the deep end.

    The Holocaust was summarized as the Nazis were evil, they gassed, burned and worked to death lots of Jews, the Nazis were bad m'kay?
    They're not in the records?

    Come on, guy. Does it really matter if somebody were gay? I thought people of a liberal mindset are supposed to be "colorblind" or what have you, yet all of a sudden their sexuality, which has nothing to do with their achievements, should be made an important part of history?

    How hypocritical.
    If you set out the best negro x you have already flunked the matriculation exam for the entrance to the university of integration.

    You do realize that homosexuality is not new and in fact was prevalent throughout ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt. It wasn't until Christianity took root and became prevalent that homosexuality was looked down upon. You can thank religion for that (Leviticus 18:22). So in fact, for most of human history homosexuality was seen as no different from heterosexuality.
    Bisexuality was not uncommon, pure homosexuality was still rare and being penetrated was looked down upon because you weren't being the man in the relationship

    earth day. Every Day is Earth Day
  • Every Day is Earth Day

  • Hephaestus
    Mar 19, 05:16 PM

    and the way you express yourself practically shows me why people 'diss' all your gadgets.

    Here in England thats a pretty common figure of speech that people use all the time. It doesn't mean literally ages. I forgot this was an American forum, but what does that have to do with anything anyway?

    earth day. Happy Earth Day
  • Happy Earth Day

  • dieselpower44
    Jul 21, 10:09 AM
    The iPhone 4 works marvelously well. It is the most reliable iPhone I have ever owned, and the previous versions set a high standard to match. I am perfectly able to duplicate the issue (in my office, where the signal is poor) but as far as I can tell it has only resulted in one dropped call (while the 3GS dropped more due to holding a less reliable poor signal).

    So if Apple truly had released a horrible product I could agree with you. Instead I'm simply left suspecting that you don't own the thing and are simply content to tell other people how the device works anyway.

    Completely incorrect, I have always been an Apple customer. I just recently bought an i7 iMac and own a Macbook pro, an iPod touch and an iPhone 3G. I waited in line for the iPhone 4, and I absolutely love the thing to bits. It's the fastest, most awesome phone I've ever owned. But what annoys me is that you have to agree that this is the most serious problem relating to signal attenuation ever been seen. I mean yes, it has been blown out of proportion by the media but when you get down and actually test it out in different signal strength areas, you definitely notice it pretty severely.

    But what annoys me the most, is Apple's "couldn't give a s***, let's point out other people's similar mistakes." Apple has never been like this before. Jobs may have saved the company but he's also going to ruin it with this attitude. Wozniak would have recalled the phones.

    earth day. for Earth Day - Core77
  • for Earth Day - Core77

  • roadbloc
    Apr 11, 05:28 AM
    So how did they copy Apple? Having 90% of the market without a quality product one can only imagine what they could have done with a good product.
    I wouldn't bother arguing *LTD* about this. Many have tried and failed. He simply refuses to accept that Redmond has produced some quality products without ripping off Apple. Each versions of every Microsoft products have their +'s and -'s. Recently, with Windows 7, Office IE9, WP7; Microsoft have been churning out some quality, solid, software. Not to mention what a great success the Xbox has turned out to be. Yes, they are not always the first to have some features in their products, but neither are Apple at times. Fast user switching is one that springs to mind.

    Just because they licence their software to a range of hardware companies, *LTD* automatically thinks they are trash. And, yes, some of their products have been trash. But so have Apple's at times.

    You are aware that the Core2Duo 'requirement' is because Lion is 64-bit, right?
    Yes. That doesn't make it okay. I'd expect the first intel Macs to still be able to run the latest OS. What is the betting that computers from 2006 will be able to run Windows 8? High chance I'd say.

    earth day. Happy Earth Day
  • Happy Earth Day

  • OdduWon
    Oct 10, 08:41 PM
    yes, I hope it's true.
    I have the gut feeling that Apple is holding off until end of October to:
    • first, sell as many ipods as they can
    • wait for the Zune
    • have a special event for the Video ipod
    • have momentum for the Xmas season

    I look forward a 120gig drive nd a way to input data on the road ala PDA. that would be very nice.
    if apple dosen't let zune come out first, it will be funny. Ms is all counting days and hopeing apple has already show it's hand w/ 5.5, then a day before..bam. apple will release the wonderpod and all will be well.
    i agree also that this release would require an event. the new comming weeks may produce silent Mb Mbp upgrades with shuffle/ xserve if were lucky. so i dont think it will be october for wonderpod. before nov 14?
    also zune has a lot more going on in the device so people and developers will like it. ipod needs to add some pda conviences to "keep up" with the zune.

    earth day. Earth Day Royalty Free Stock
  • Earth Day Royalty Free Stock

  • Jimmy James
    May 4, 09:14 AM
    If I could only find a personal use beyond web browsing.

    I know what you could do. You could play videos with it, such as mkv's, either streamed or synced with your device.

    Since I am the local technology guru...

    I can afford one but the lack of MKV playback is the deal killer. So that makes it $499 to browse the internet.

    Capital idea! There's more than one piece of software that will do this for you. You know, not even my computer(s) can play mkv's out of the box. I had to install software to play mkv's. Just like with the ipad.

    None of the above.

    The commercials are cringe worthy when the potential you have is limited to web browsing.

    No, really, you can play mkv's. It's no longer a deal killer. You can now happily buy one. There's so many other things, other than playing mkv's, that you can do with it. It's a terribly long list so I won't bore you with that here.

    What would I playback? I do not waste the drive space on it either. I grew out of my media hoarding phase nearly a decade ago.

    I have not paid for any of my media since I just get it on DVD from the library. Why would I pay for shovel media?

    I thought you wanted to play mkv's? Oh well, I guess you could still convert them from your library videos. Your myth has been debunked. Go buy one.

    earth day. earth day activities
  • earth day activities

  • Dr.Pants
    Apr 30, 10:36 AM
    Went into this thread expecting the leather-bound version of iCal to be dropped, was disappointed.

    earth day. In honor of Earth Day,
  • In honor of Earth Day,

  • sushi
    Oct 1, 02:04 PM
    Very nice design.

    Wonder what the stairway leads to?

    earth day. earthday.jpg
  • earthday.jpg

  • Fossie
    Jan 11, 06:53 PM
    I think people should just get over it. Although doing it while he was doing the talk was a little :mad:

    earth day. Title: Earth Day Year: 1971
  • Title: Earth Day Year: 1971

  • IJ Reilly
    Oct 19, 10:22 AM
    Do you believe that the perpetual delay of Microsoft's Vista OS is allowing Apple to temporarily grab up some of the markey share?

    Maybe, but the "Vista effect" is really just a reminder of how slowly Microsoft moves, compared to Apple. It has always been thus. Long wait, yawn. Long wait, yawn. This is what it means to be a Microsoft customer. Have you heard anyone say that they are anxiously anticipating Vista? Microsoft will try to generate some synthetic excitement over Vista, but in reality, hardly anyone will really care.

    The bottom line is, Apple is cool again -- and this is reflected in their sales numbers. This is due in no small part to the iPod, of course.

    earth day. earth-day-tropical-042209a.JPG
  • earth-day-tropical-042209a.JPG

  • iansilv
    Apr 29, 11:23 PM
    GOOD. I hate tweaking stuff just for the sake of tweaking it. If it works, leave it- no reason to throw out simple intuitive controls.

    earth day. earth day coloring sheets.
  • earth day coloring sheets.

  • dscuber9000
    Apr 5, 04:34 PM
    I'm going to start a TV channel that only shows commercials.

    They already have it and it's actually quite popular. :D

    earth day. Earth Day Aftermath
  • Earth Day Aftermath

  • xAnthony
    Mar 19, 11:38 AM
    Even though I own two iPhone 4's I never experienced being a meat sandwich so that survey is mostly bullshiznit.

    Just because you aren't getting laid doesn't mean it's 'bullshiznit'. Sometimes you have to blame the player, not the game.

    earth day. earth day 40 photo
  • earth day 40 photo

  • justperry
    Apr 15, 01:48 PM
    I hope this is true... I really would like to have a more rugged case design on the iPhone (planning on getting the next version). I had the 3G iPhone and the back plate always felt flimsy / fragile.

    For the antenna - could the antenna placement be put near the apple logo on the back (maybe that is plastic) or -- might there be enough antenna surface to receive through the front?

    I also wonder if they could tie an antenna to the bezel on the front of the phone, or integrate it into the aluminum enclosure on the back. Not knowing metallurgy, I am not sure if there is a way to turn aluminum to a receptive material or could the case be of an aluminum alloy to allow reception?

    No way Dude.
    All of the phones that I see open to see the internals had metal shields in the front to get less radiation from the antenna.
    It is still not proven whether or not U can get cancer from radio waves.
    But,I do know certain places where radio waves will kill U.
    Don't even come close to a very high power antenna from a radio station,a T.L. will even light up if you hold it nearby.

    Making an antenna of the aluminium casing is impossible,don't U think Apple and others would have done that long time ago:eek:

    earth day. (Earth Day 1990 - it#39;s heart
  • (Earth Day 1990 - it#39;s heart

  • triceretops
    Apr 25, 12:23 PM
    I am perfectly happy with the iPhone 4 I have.

    BTW, what is that extra little rectangle above the speaker? My phone doesn't have that.:confused:

    earth day. Earth Day is a day that most
  • Earth Day is a day that most

  • nsjoker
    Aug 7, 03:17 PM
    Sweet. $500 for the 20" with the edu discount??

    $649 w/ edu my friend

    Apr 8, 05:42 PM
    Best Buy still sucks.

    Apr 21, 10:37 AM

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    Apr 26, 07:41 PM

    wlh99, I'll step back when ever I want to, this is a public Forum and people are here to discuss and learn new stuff.

    Any way.. if you guys can't help me, just go to another thread.

    I'm more than happy to help, which is why I asked what you meant by "ON" and "OFF" and what exactly you want to do. Because I don't know. Timers are not "ON" or "OFF" so I need to know what you mean.

    I was referring to the "if" statement, not the comment. How and where do you declare myTimer and newTimer? Where are they assigned a value? Post that code. My assumption was (possibly incorrect) that they were assigned as the return value from when you created the timers.

    In which case, they are pointers. If you declared them as a primitive type and assigned them a value not related to the timer objects, then they are not pointers. If that is the case, I am even more confused as to what you want the program to do.

    Post your code, and let us know what you are trying to accomplish.

    May 4, 06:31 PM
    Speaking of aggravation, I'm having trouble with my new system. I'm back to stock cpu speed and for some reason the wu's don't want to use all of the cores/threads so bigadv units are running at 45+ min per frame now from 27 min per frame the first time I ran folding.

    oh man. that's not good. what flags are you using?

    -smp 12?

    May 4, 05:38 PM
    Guns are within my scope of practice (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/rchoi/detail?entry_id=88328)

    Couple this with the fact that the NRA has prevented any studies on guns and their impact on American society and I think we can all rest assured that we're heading towards a society ruled by the American Taliban. Heavy sarcasm intended.

    If guns are so important to society, why is it taboo to have an adult conversation about their impact on that society?

    Sorry, but whether I have guns in my house with my kids is not anyones business but my own.

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