Tuesday, May 17, 2011

california condor facts

california condor facts. Condor The number of wild,
  • Condor The number of wild,

  • gocardsfan1
    May 3, 09:31 PM
    So is this meant to be an ad for the iPad 2 or the future generations? All it does is make me more excited for upcoming models, not the iPad 2 itself. I don't doubt that it will be effective though.

    california condor facts. California Condor by Noel
  • California Condor by Noel

  • Satori
    Apr 15, 04:19 PM
    Ho hum...

    Competition for itunes would not be a bad thing but those record companies are just too greedy!

    california condor facts. how many california condor
  • how many california condor

  • ShakyJay
    Dec 23, 11:29 PM
    I wouldn't believe it. They allegedly don't tell their own stores anything because they feel they can't trust the staff (who are mostly college aged kids) not to post glamour it on their facebook, etc. No way would they tell another company like Radio Shack especially this early

    Trust me Verizon employees do not know if they are getting the iPhone 6 months in advance...The boss's don't trust them to change out light bulbs in their stores, why would they give them critical data that could change their stocks????

    california condor facts. California Condor
  • California Condor

  • powers74
    Apr 16, 02:55 PM
    its very Ugly


    looks like a rendering

    That's what I thought. Maxwell maybe. It produces that grainy look.

    It can't be all metal. Otherwise it will have some serious signal issues.

    Using aluminum would hinder the cellular reception wouldn't it ?

    The plastic apple, plus using the new MBP strategy of putting antennas at the openings should do fine.

    I call BS on this, Johnnie Ive wouldn't make a non rounded design like that, the lines are too harsh.

    Looks *just* like the iPad - well except the bevels leading from the corners to the back look a little unrefined, leading me to think it could be a rendering. other than that, looks pretty spot-on. Personally, I think they are going back to Alu.

    that's what i wish for....

    That's even closer.


    You have demonstrated you have no idea how perspective works.

    Seems correct to me.

    california condor facts. Condors feeding on dead sea
  • Condors feeding on dead sea

  • bartelby
    Apr 21, 11:12 AM
    All you'll do is make people paranoid. Who were those two bastards who voted down rdowns' post?

    I've no idea...

    california condor facts. California condor, head detail
  • California condor, head detail

  • tophergt
    Oct 19, 10:09 AM
    Do you believe that the perpetual delay of Microsoft's Vista OS is allowing Apple to temporarily grab up some of the markey share? I'm not saying that people who would otherwise purchase a Wintel machine are switching to Mac because Vista is not out, but rather that some percentage are waiting to buy their new Core2Duo machine (or other upgrade to their current box) until they can get an full release version of Vista preinstalled on it.

    Just a conjecture, but I thought it was worth considering. I suppose we'll find out in the first two quarters of 2007 when Microsoft decides that they're ready to release that bad boy on the world . . .

    [JDOG, your post came in while I was still typing mine . . . sorry for the repeat]

    california condor facts. Captive California condor at
  • Captive California condor at

  • slamshut
    Oct 6, 03:09 PM
    For me service is good even tho it got alittle spotty when att allowed picture & video text. An in my area its getting better. If you drop your service that mean less congestion on the att network. :D An as far as the iphone on verizon I really dont think there network would work the same with the iphone. It will be overload.

    california condor facts. Identify california condor
  • Identify california condor

  • roadbloc
    Apr 29, 04:54 PM
    I liked it how it was before, with the sliders... :(

    california condor facts. The California Condor
  • The California Condor

  • tekker
    May 3, 09:39 PM
    I'll buy one when it has an 8MHz processor, 13-inch monochrome CRT screen and a big fat "Turbo" button.
    >mfw tough guy thinks he can write/draw with his sausage fingers

    california condor facts. California Condor has
  • California Condor has

  • SBlue1
    May 4, 03:32 AM
    I'll buy one when it gets a capacitive pressure based screen/stylus (Like the HTC Flyer)

    Ill buy one when it gets multiple user accounts.

    california condor facts. Texas to California and up
  • Texas to California and up

  • FelixGV
    Oct 3, 12:30 AM
    Wouldn't it be ironic if the once closed iPod+iTunes ecosystem suddenly became open to every music store except the Zune Marketplace? Fairplay would effectively replace PlaysForSure, the only closed DRM would be the Zune's, and every other music player manufacturer would be left with no music store compatibility at all until they slowly die... And the mythic Apple vs Micro$oft war would rage once again.

    As others have mentionned, I see 2 negative things with this:

    california condor facts. study “California Condor
  • study “California Condor

  • billchase2
    Oct 13, 12:19 PM
    i bet it will. i'm guessing $400-$500.

    california condor facts. Photo of a California condor.
  • Photo of a California condor.

  • Cutwolf
    Mar 17, 11:43 AM
    Way to rep LSU! TOPS money well spent.

    california condor facts. California Condor
  • California Condor

  • Passante
    Sep 12, 05:50 AM
    i must be truly sad..

    i had dreams of ipods and apple store online with new products.. and then i couldn't remember my credit card details.. ahhhh.. it was strange..

    i swear, if this whole event flops... i'm gonna throw all of my apple gear out!! lol..

    there's so much hype.. the press is all over it today.. got it on bbc news, sky news reports.. IN YOUR FACE everywhere you go..

    Please throw you iMac in my direction. :D

    california condor facts. California condor stretching
  • California condor stretching

  • leekohler
    Apr 27, 01:53 PM
    I really never meant to come across as having any sort of problem with or thinking anything less of transgendered people.... But I can understand how Mord would get that impression given some of the previous posts in the thread...

    I think it's all cool now. :)

    california condor facts. california condor
  • california condor

  • ero87
    Nov 26, 12:06 AM
    ahh i miss real rumors! exciting new stuff!

    I guess I can't expect apple to ALWAYS have new stuff, but sales just don't excite me very much...

    california condor facts. California Condor #62
  • California Condor #62

  • tdhurst
    Jan 12, 07:35 PM
    Anyone who leaps to a conclusion over this is foolish and shooting themselves in the foot. Print media is dead in its current form so you'll never see events banning people just because they have an online presence. Crucifying gizmodo for being the morons they are while claiming they're hurting other journalists is disingenuous. Do you really think conferences don't want any press to go to their events? The big conferences are under threat (E3 is a good example). I doubt they'd do anything horribly stupid over this. Ban gizmodo? Yeah, can see that. Require that you can only get in if you have a newspaper or magazine? Doubt it.

    The issue here is that bloggers and online journalists are still a fairly new medium and haven't been fully accepted yet. This would happen with any sort of group that didn't have a history.

    I would bet that no print media journalist would ever pull crap like this. He/she would have been fired on the spot and the publication itself would have issued a real apology, not post a video online and issue a half-hearted apology to one group.

    california condor facts. Biologists at Pinnacles National Monument are celebrating the first condor egg produced by a mating pair inside the park boundaries in more than a century.
  • Biologists at Pinnacles National Monument are celebrating the first condor egg produced by a mating pair inside the park boundaries in more than a century.

  • Jo-Kun
    Sep 25, 06:31 PM
    hmm I might consider to give it a try afterall...

    when it came out my G5 was rejected (only because of the stock graphics card) there was a testing app to see if you could run it before you buy the actual program... and since a new card would set me back some extra � and aperture was at that time at the high price... I passed... now it supports my system, so maybe I'll ge it (first I'll do a testrun at my local shop where I buy my camera's... they told me not to buy V1... and said the latest was very much improved, and now there is another new version ;-))

    california condor facts. California Condor
  • California Condor

  • John Purple
    Jan 15, 04:42 PM
    Will there an update to the macbook soon or should i buy one right now, i am disappointed in the mba

    See the Buyer's Guide on top of this page :o

    Jan 12, 06:29 PM
    Well, if you haven't met any of these mindless droids, consider yourself lucky. I've met enough of them to be sufficiently spooked. I've got a couple of them on a forum I moderate; one has a link to Apple store in his signature and spends most of his time posting the most contrived lies about Windows you could imagine (how you cannot switch a PC on without being drowned in a barrage of viruses etc), and the rest of his time coercing PC users into switching. It's quite clear from his descriptions of Windows he hasn't touched a PC since circa 1996, and any assurances that Windows has come a long way in terms of stability and security since Win95 are met with a kind of "lalalalalalalala...." At one point he insisted that a Mac Mini G4 1.42GHz is much faster than any PC ever made. When faced with real life benchmark tests where a midrange PC blasted the Mini into oblivion, he maintained that it was due to poor knowledge of Mac optimization on the part of the developers (whom I know to be Mac enthusiasts who port the software to Windows). This is just one example, over the years I've stumbled across way too many to list here.

    It's great that people are enthusiastic about products, and most Mac users are regular joes who are just that, but it is my personal opinion that there also exists a 'Church of Apple' with 'members' who are smug, patronizing, holier-than-thou, basking in the glory of some perceived exclusivity and enlightenment, borderline brainwashed lodge brothers with a special handshake. It sickens me to no end. Again, this is merely one man's opinion, I know you wouldn't agree so let's just leave it there.

    Regarding Steve, you're darn tootin' I don't know him. Only seen him in blurry keynote webcasts.

    I consider your post to be spot on! I'm a Mac owner, but I must confess that I find most of my PC-owning friends to be refreshingly free of the type of smug, sycophantic, elitism some Mac people can't help but exhibit. Many PC owners I know wouldn't even recognize Steve Jobs, Steve Ballmer, etc. if they were introduced to them in the street.

    Their sole concern is with having the best computer they can get for their individual needs, the software they can run, etc., not hero worship. Period. Some of them rate Macs quite highly. However, their view tends to be that, unless they're able to afford pro models, they're somewhat compelled to buy PCs because of graphical deficiencies in most consumer Macs.

    Steve Jobs has achieved many great things & for that he surely deserves considerable respect. Some may consider him to be a genius. But if he's a genius, surely, like many other so-called geniuses, it's very likely that he's a flawed one. I don't mean flawed personally; after all, how would I know without knowing him? I mean it in the sense that the direction that he appears to be taking Apple in isn't, IMO (& that of many others), necessarily the best one.

    That's just an opinion. I think that those who think that SJ & Apple are beyond criticism merely confirm the excellent points you've raised in your post.

    Nov 26, 04:37 PM
    Printer shipped! Woohoo! :)

    May 3, 04:56 PM
    why do they care for how you use it?Because you then sign a contract that says how you agree to use it. This is outside of that agreement. If you want to sign an agreement to use the data in a different way, I'm sure the carrier will accommodate you.
    That's not why.
    But get your wallet open.
    THAT is why.

    Mar 17, 08:56 AM
    This is a very entertaining thread that is showing many different sides of the macrumors members.

    That being said, we are ALL unethical at some point in time and we ALL have varying interpretations for "ethical" behavior. Philosophers have debated for thousands of years to answer the question "what is the right way to act?" Thinking that there IS an answer is superfluous, even more so on an internet forum.

    That being said, obviously you got a break and you're happy. You're the only one who ultimately has to determine if you did the right thing because honestly, we on the macrumors forums are NOT realistically being affected by this random act (if this were a systematic thing or we were making laws that would be different) and it is your conscience that matters.

    However, PERSONALLY, given that I had already budgeted out the money for the iPad before buying it I would make a small donation (maybe $5-$25) to Japan (you'll still be making a deal). That's just me however, feel free to do what you want with the extra money.

    Jan 5, 04:23 PM
    If I recall correctly (prob. not) Apple use to have the keynote live on TV that people could pick up with old c-band sat. recievers. What ever happend to that?
    Yeah, and before that - like gazillions of years ago - Apple used to stream it as a pre-historic cave painting (animated, of course). 'Direct to a den near you' was the tag-line. Anyone else remember that? :D

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