Tuesday, May 17, 2011

heart tattoos on wrist

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  • Cross Tattoo On Wrist.

  • Chundles
    Sep 12, 02:56 AM
    From engadget (as i couldn't be bothered to look them up myself :P)

    7:00AM - Hawaii
    10:00AM - Pacific
    11:00AM - Mountain
    12:00PM - Central
    1:00PM - Eastern
    5:00PM - GMT
    6:00PM - London
    7:00PM - Paris
    2:00AM - Tokyo (September 13th)

    Keep going... All 13th September:

    5am - New Zealand
    3am - Eastern Australia
    2:30am - Central Australia
    1am - Western Australia

    heart tattoos on wrist. I Have 2 Tattoos,
  • I Have 2 Tattoos,

  • spazzcat
    May 4, 05:24 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Are you living under a rock? Everything they shown is happening today with the iPad.

    heart tattoos on wrist. Love Heart Tattoos
  • Love Heart Tattoos

  • muffinss
    Mar 25, 02:43 PM
    I own a 27 inch iMac because I want a big, powerful computer. I own an iPhone because I want a small portable phone that allows me to check my email while I am gone.

    I don't want a 27 inch iMac that's a giant iPhone running an mobile OS. I don't want a small phone that's running a full blown computer OS that's way to complicated and overkill for such a weak, small mobile device. People saying they want iOS to replace OSX on all desktops is like saying they want Windows Mobile to replace Windows all together. No offense, but its a stupid idea.

    That's great if all you do if check email and browse the web on your $2,000 computer. There's other people out there that actually use their computer for other things besides checking Facebook on their $2,000 computer.

    I don't mind if they merge features back and forth between the two. Features that make sense and wont hinder the two from performing their main functionality. One being a computer OS while the other being a small, mobile device OS.

    OS X has been the best computer OS ever made, and was the best decision for Apple in buying out NexT and building their next generation computer OS after it. I hope they keep making a computer OS as well as a mobile OS.

    heart tattoos on wrist. small wrist tattoo. Tattoos
  • small wrist tattoo. Tattoos

  • Streffert
    Apr 12, 04:07 PM
    Watch out, everyone here will bitch at you for using over 1gb of "unlimited" data...

    Im going to milk this unlimited data plan for all it is worth!

    heart tattoos on wrist. Heart Tattoos
  • Heart Tattoos

  • garry12
    Jan 10, 05:27 PM
    But seriously ANY Australian will tell you that Telstra is rubbish.

    I live in Australia and am on the Next G network and, to be honest, it's very disappointing. Coverage drops in and out even in very built up areas. I can't comment very much about the internet because I try to avoid using it as much as I can due to the insane amount of money Telstra charges.

    Hopefully Telstra introduce this at a reasonable price. But, I wouldn't be surprised if it was between $600 - $700.

    heart tattoos on wrist. Love Heart Tattoos On Hand
  • Love Heart Tattoos On Hand

  • 63dot
    Mar 3, 08:55 PM
    The GOP is self-destructing at the worst possible time for future prospects in their party for 2012.

    In a few months, GOP candidates will be starting their campaigns and the GOP today has just given individual candidates reasons to finger point at each other in what will probably be some vicious primaries.

    And we all know how that will go. At least us liberals can fight like cats and dogs in the democratic, green, and left-leaning parties and make up in time for the election, but GOP primary opponents have traditionally held grudges against each other for life.

    I don't know if establishment republicans will try and blame tea party republicans for the meltdown or vice versa, but without a unified front, the GOP is sunk nationwide for 2012.

    After this set of debacles, it will be pretty easy to see the GOP does not have its nations interests at stake.

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  • Tattoos Girls Heart Tattoos

  • Rozee
    Apr 15, 05:30 PM
    I hope this is a fake.What is the long slot on the side? Is it a spot for a memory card?

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  • rdowns
    Dec 13, 10:41 AM
    Will it come in white? :rolleyes:

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  • celtic heart

  • Lynxpro
    Oct 20, 01:29 PM
    Not just for interest though - if Apple do not take a firm presence in the rapidly developing (India, China) countries now, they may well face the same uphill battle against Windows they have been fighting for the past whatever years in the US.

    India has a large tariff they impose upon computers not made/assembled in India. The only way for Apple to gain large market share in India is to either build a factory there or find a reliable Indian subcontractor to build their product for that market.

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  • wrist-heart-tattoo-design

  • *LTD*
    Apr 23, 05:17 PM
    It is no secret that pedophiles have been known to hack children's computers to gain access to their webcam pictures, messenger conversations and ect. If that child has an iPhone and the said pedophile knows the file that contains the iPhone locations; what the pedo essentially has is the child's daily or weekly routine of where they are.

    I buy it. Slim chance, but certainly possible and certainly doable.

    I'd have to disagree. There are a lot of ways to keep tabs on someone if you wish to do them harm. The issue is whether the (as yet unknown) purpose of this data is useful enough to justify it's being there in the state it's in. There is no immediate way it gives anyone any special or expedient means of causing another harm. You'll need a lot of contingencies and variables come together to form specific cases. I really don't see that happening. That said, the reasons I've seen so far aren't that nefarious. It actually makes sense to be tracked in this way, especially in light of the argument that it's a caching mechanism in order to make it easier to switch from tower to tower. I can believe this. I don't believe there's any evil behind it. Nor do I for the moment believe this is easily accessible by anyone other than physically by the user/owner of the phone. And then it's likely not easy for the average person.

    Said paedophile *before* this information has been able to track children without problems using other means, I'd wager. Likely easier means, though I'm not well-versed in the specific modus operandi of paedophiles. I suspect I'll need forensics/law enforcement training to get a complete understanding.

    Besides, your example is based upon pure conjecture. First assumption is they are able to hack into their phone. Is hacking into iPhones remoely a big problem out in the wild? Not that I've heard or seen.

    What I'm saying is take the "wait and see" aproach before we begin to vilify and condemn Apple as self-serving, careless data-mining opportunists.

    So it's a plea for sanity. But I've noticed that whenever Apple's quarterly report rolls around and it's usually stellar news, the insanity of our loveable contrarians ramps up, purely for the purpose of being contrarians, as if we need to "balance out" all the enthusiasm with careful doses of negativity so we're not *too* positive. I'm not referring to you, roadbloc, by the way.

    So in any case, this is my position, and I'll say it's the same position I'd take if it were Google and MS.

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  • hana
    Nov 23, 06:42 PM
    Link to inspire to get to the Apple Store for the holiday....


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  • Shining Heart Tattoo!

  • puuukeey
    Jan 9, 01:39 PM
    I promise promise promise its not a spoiler.

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  • heart on my wrist. by

  • marktwain
    Nov 23, 06:52 PM
    So wait... a $101 discount on the 17" iMac but only a $41 discount on the 24" model? That doesn't make sense. Usually the more expensive the item, the larger the discount.

    The dicount is around $100...the highest end model is $2059...the 24" iMac with wireless keyboard and mouse...it's a configuration they stock in the stores.

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  • pics of tattoos on wrist

  • Avatar74
    Jan 15, 01:57 PM
    Personally, I think the expectations here are bordering on ridiculous. Also, when you have everyone looking to Steve Jobs for religious validation, lining up hours in advance for a freaking keynote speech... you're bound to disappoint yourself.

    Frankly, Apple still has the most impressive portfolio of products, and the innovations announced today still up the bar. It's foolish to expect an iPod or an iPhone scale innovation every year from any company, even Apple.

    And face it... because you and I aren't everyone, they aren't going to please everyone.

    As I figured when it came out, I think the real winner here is AppleTV... there's a reason for that.

    We're on the edge of a technological convergence of entertainment media. Apple appears to be moving slowly away from the concept of removable storage to wireless streaming, and AppleTV is no small part of that.

    Steve Jobs said it would eventually be the 4th leg in their portfolio... And with the rentals model, and the ability to search and purchase movies and music from the interface, along with all its other features, AppleTV is unlocking a door that others are already committing to follow...including Netflix and LG.

    The one problem in picking that lock for Apple has been HD... and they're clearly reading the public sentiment and working on upping the ante with HD and SD viewable content on AppleTV, iPod, iPhone, Mac, PC, etc.

    This is really the future of technology... and one of Apple's big goals... to connect your office, your living room and your mobile existence all together.

    But if you were expecting it all to happen at once... think again. The public is not ready for that, and the R&D costs alone, plus deployment, would be tremendous and if you operate like Microsoft you find yourself spending 7 years to deploy a bigger leap only to find out it's a dud. Apple is smart for taking kiddie steps before they run with it.

    The next kiddie step, I suspect, is multitouch... Granted, I'm sure some were hoping for a full blown multitouch display. I know I was.. but not everyone is ready for that experience just yet. In fact, I'd say a lot of people are't.

    So Apple is introducing it gradually... first Mighty Mouse (yes, this is a capacitance sensing surface), then iPhone, now the multitouch trackpad... sooner or later they're going to have enough public reaction to tell them when the right time to go full-throttle will be.

    That's part of the game, guys, they release a step below the "product to end all products" that you are asking of them so they can figure out what works, what doesnt, and then invest in the improvements. Otherwise, they could go broke pretty damn quickly... and then you're left with nothing to look forward to except the next Toshiba POS laptop or the next iteration of Windows sometime 15 years from now...

    So keep voicing the concerns, but my feeling is... If you want to do more than just vent and actually have your concerns taken as serious criticism and not the ravings of a disappointed fanboy, try voicing them constructively, and at the same time know the old adage... caveat emptor... let the buyer beware. No one puts a gun to your head to buy this stuff. Before you go shelling out for gadgets or getting your expectations up, do some research and lower your expectations.

    I'm just happy that the company that introduced me to computers 30 years ago is still around making great hardware.

    heart tattoos on wrist. Tribal Star Wrist Tattoos
  • Tribal Star Wrist Tattoos

  • ClimbingTheLog
    Oct 29, 08:16 PM
    If I use the free(GPL) software as a baseline for a project I then have to turn around and release all the changes I made for free as well. This may be hundreds of hours of work and I don't know anyone that works for free.

    Umm, how much did you pay for that 'baseline' GPL software? Did it just write itself?

    Anyway to explain the difference, the BSD license maximizes the freedom of the end-user and the GPL license maximizes the freedom of the community. The two aims are mutually incompatible, so you have to pick which you're going for before you start.

    heart tattoos on wrist. Girls Heart Wrist Tattoos
  • Girls Heart Wrist Tattoos

  • bpfesq
    Apr 15, 12:26 PM
    Seeing as that it doesn't have any place for the antenna (like the black area towards the top of the 3G iPad), i'm very skeptical with this picture.

    heart tattoos on wrist. I wear my heart on my wrist
  • I wear my heart on my wrist

  • weazle1098
    Oct 11, 11:50 AM
    I'd like to see this thing come out soon, but I'm not in the market for anything of the sort, unless it's more like a PDA than the current iPods. But, for now, let's all let it go, the prophecy will come true. Besides who's actaully going to buy that brick of a MP3 player anyway, it looks thicker than my Powerbook. Micro$oft hasn't gotten the whole elegance thing down yet, so no worries.

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  • Wrist tattoos are also a great

  • chaosbunny
    May 4, 03:16 AM
    ... if it had accurate stylus input.

    Sign! With this an iPad would be interesting for me for drawing. A stylus beats fingers for drawing, the Egypts knew that 5000 years ago, but seems like Steve doesn't.

    heart tattoos on wrist. Love Heart Tattoos Wrist.
  • Love Heart Tattoos Wrist.

  • adouglas2001
    Jan 15, 02:55 PM
    Just sold my Apple shares.

    Genius move, that.

    Have you never heard of "sell on the news?" Everyone's already done it.

    Apple is down $13.50 as I write this.

    It will come back up, provided the economy as a whole doesn't implode.

    I got an Apple gift card for the holidays, and was waiting to see what Apple was going to announce. My decision? I'm ordering a refurb MBP to replace my G4 Powerbook this week.

    "Old old old?" Not compared to my early-2003 computer. It's dramatically faster, dramatically more efficient, and dramatically more capacious than the machine I've got. Based on the Penryn tests I've seen so far, an MBP update will result in only a marginal improvement. I don't NEED a few extra percent of battery life or performance here and there.

    It is always wiser in the long run IMHO to be a late adopter and buy near the end of a product lifecycle than near the beginning. Early adopters are, and have always been, late beta testers.

    I dunno...seems that everyone could use just a little less caffeine and stop obsessing over instant gratification and wish fulfillment. Take a deep breath. Leopard WILL be updated. Blu-Ray WILL happen. The MBP WILL get a refresh. And so on. But not today. Big deal. Wait a few months.

    Could be that age and decades of experience have given me an appreciation for the long view. I just don't get all torqued up over every tiny move that Apple makes (or fails to make). They still make great products.

    Sep 12, 07:33 AM
    They annoyed me this time.. I had 8 songs in my basket and i'm unable to purchase them - I can understand with an online store that delays something for at least 24 hours... but for an instant content delivery system it's rather annoying as a customer.

    Apr 27, 08:01 PM
    I think the whole issue is about them filming it and laughing, and encouraging it. Not the fact that people were fighting in McDonalds. People fight all over the world, in many places. Should each place be held responsible because someone had a fight? no and yes, depends on the situation. Should each place be held responsible if the staff are laughing, filming, and egging people on? yes and no. Yes for the fact they were very unprofessional. But McDonalds can't be blamed for the fight happening in a restaurant they own. They can however be blamed for the way the staff acted. But can you really expect any less of someone who hates the job they're in, Paid minimum wage, etc. Humans at the end of the day are Animals. We are entertained by death, pain and sadness. We always have been, and always will be. It's in the blood, it's been in the instinct for thousands, if not millions of years. We're barbarians. Like it or not.

    Apr 6, 11:30 PM
    About damn time too...


    Looking forward to shooting with this new gear...

    JRM PowerPod
    Sep 12, 08:30 AM
    God I wish I could be.

    Yes, Apple are probably going to release full length movies tomorrow morning but there's nothing out there that proves it yet.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of aaaaalllll aaageeesssss.....

    Come the incredible hyperactive inattentive Apple Special Event thread!!!

    You are really disenchanted by this thread arent you?

    But at the end of the day its your fault. You are the leader you must take responsibility.

    Apr 25, 05:52 PM
    Whew! I was having a hard time imagining what a slightly larger edge to edge screen iphone would look like. Thank goodness for MacRumors.

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